(snapshot dated October, 1969)

In "Our First Home" we've already seen that in some of the earlier Newsletters Marie Comstock wrote about the history of Yerba Buena. In  Vol. III, No. 7, issued in October of l96l, she wrote about one of the many key incidents that enabled them to establish Yerba Buena:

We had prayed "Father, if you want us to go to Chiapas, if that is where we can do the best work for you, we are going to ask that you impress people to come to us and give us the money to purchase the Santa Cruz property without our asking for any money." The money began to come in, many small gifts, some larger ones, but all with no "strings" attached, no guarantees asked, no promises given. ... We told the people as they gave us the money or sent the money that the only possible returns for their money would be souls in the Kingdom. We even received a check by mail from a man who is not a member of our church. It might interest many of you to know that this man through the years has helped Yerba Buena more financially than has any Adventists. ...

In two weeks time we had placed in our hands $2l50.00 to purchase the Santa Cruz property.  We thought the property would cost about $3000.00. No more funds came in and we were beginning to wonder why the sudden stop. After about another week we received a letter from the Sec. Treas. of the South Mission telling us that he had been out to see Mariano Guerrero, the ranch owner, and the final price on the land was $l8,000.00 pesos. $l8,000.00 pesos at the exchange in effect at that time came to $2,l50.00! There was then no doubt in our minds that the Master wanted us in Chiapas.

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